Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Valdosta Daily Times, Columnist Jay Ambrose, President Obama, and More

June 8, 2010

TO: Editors, Concerned Americans, Black Commentator, and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times column by Columnist Jay Ambrose (June 5, 2010) read; President Obama’s self-contradictions hurt him…, and are catching up with him concerning his promise of a transparent Administration. The communist like Black Female Columnists Star Parkers continues to spew his venom towards our president has become a routine practice in the Times.

Mr. Ambrose needs to write about our local news media whiteout machine that has contributed to keeping citizens ignorant to what goes on at public meetings in the State of Georgia by not informing the general public.

For example: Two recent Valdosta School Board Meetings concerning hot bed community issues about the education of our children were ignored at a high cost to the general public. http://medianeeded.blogspot.com

For over two decades this practice and pattern has kept citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts. Thereby contributing to a closed government mainly because local news papers and television stations has failed inform the general public here in South Georgia, and the times has come to stop this practice and pattern.

Therefore Columnist Ambrose we await your column on getting local news Media outlets to publish what goes on at public Meetings in the State of Georgia along with your condemnation of the Anti-Christ President. While understanding that our sons and daughters are now serving on foreign battlefields under this Executive Commander-In-chief that goes beyond political party affiliations or religious persuasion.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

SPECIAL NOTE: Today’s Article in the Valdosta Daily Times about last nights City School Board Meeting is a real example of a Metropolitan Metropolis News Paper, and one that all citizens can be proud of because it keeps citizens informed here in South Georgia what took place at last nights meeting.

Job well done, and thumbs up to the Valdosta Daily Times! GBR

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