Saturday, June 19, 2010

Grady Blankenship Speaks Out Against Obama, in VDT's, Who Is the Racist? Rhynes Responds and waiting for More!

June 18, 2010

The Valdosta Daily Times published a letter on June 16, by “Grady Blankenship” with a heading; “Who is the racist?”

I never used the word racist nor called the Commander-In-Chief of our sons and daughter’s serving at Moody Air Force Base, Iraq or Afghanistan dumb, stupid, a clown, or any other derogatory names generated by American Patriots and Christians---that merits no response from me here.

The writer said that; “I am the only person with a “race” problem and if I could see past President Obama being Black I could see the destruction Obama is doing to our nation and world. First it must be understood that the word ‘race” which was created by whites, itself implies the prejudice that the White race is superior to all other races.”

The People’s Institute of New Orleans Louisiana views “racism” as an equation in which the formula reads, race prejudice + power = racism. The word “race” is too often confused with the word “culture.” However the two terms, though, are as different as politics is from nature.

So we must never forget that “racism” is used to indicate a negative relationship between one race and the remainder of humanity. My letter did not violate the laws of the founder of the Christian faith by speaking ill of anyone. But that a picture be placed in the Valdosta Northern Station Post Office to show respect to all who served our beloved nation including Blacks that respected the other 43 White Male Presidents even before they were considered human beings, received the right to vote or had a president that looked like them. God bless both the righteous and the not so righteous.

I suggest the writer read the book “Undoing Racism” A Philosophy of International Social Change second edition Ronald Chisom and Michael Washington Volume one. ISBN 09653305-1-1.

Retired Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

General Writer Sandy Sanders in VDT's, Speaks Against Obama, Rhynes Responds,

June 18, 2010

The Valdosta Daily Times unending venom directed towards America’s 44th President Obama has become a daily occurrence, and today the General Writer Sandy Sanders wrote: “Mr. President, what’s up? The Axx word on television.”

Even God knows that it is impossible for our 44th president to say or do anything right in the eyes of real Christian Patriots of today, and that in the end these patriots will more than likely be found on the wrong side of history as those of yesterday only to be footnotes on the bottom pages of world history.

Even while our 44th Presidents accomplishments are being recorded in the annals of history for all times and while our sons and daughters serving their country in time of war and economic hardship are feeling a sense of pride to be serving under this historical Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

Moreover Black African Americans for the first time in history can see and feel how proud White Americans and the White members of our armed forces have felt while serving under the other forty-three White Male Presidents in time of war and peace. We know it is hard for some Americans to accept this great patriotic pride among Blacks that Whites have always enjoyed until 2008 when the majority of Americans voted a Black man into the Oval Office to serve as the leader of the number one superpower in the world. We understand your pain, but also understand how Blacks have felt without ever having a person in the Oval Office that looked like them. Now we look forward to the day when we will elect our first female into office.

So yes Blacks are extremely proud and unapologetic in this great feeling of jubilation and we are holding this president accountable to treating all people of the earth as equals and being fair to all Gods created beings.

Mr. Sandy Sanders also instructed the president what to do and what not to do in his column, “stop the grand standing, go to the BP Command Center, and lets all work as one to get the oil stopped and the clean up done. There will be plenty of time for everyone’s day in court and for you to whip someone’s Axx.”

OK, now I hope Mr. Sanders will write his next letter directly to me, and I will forward it to the president along with all his solutions so Mr. Sanders can solve the world problems. At which time he will be placed up there with Einstein and others as to contributing to reducing the stress world leaders and patriotic Christians like The Honorable Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Black Female Columnists Star Parker, and others have been suffering from for too long under this incompetent leader, and the real Anti-Christ President that has no birth certificate along with millions of other ungodly traits—as if God made his first mistake by allowing Obama to be born into the world.

I am 100% sure that the critics of the president will be as those critics of the 60s and later found themselves caught up on the wrong side of history when their children and grandchildren found out what was within their hearts during this historical period in American History. Peace always and God bless those who need it the most in times like these....

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Columnist Jay Ambrose VDT's, Against Obama, Rhynes Responds...

Monday, June 14, 2010

The recent column published in the Valdosta Daily Times on June 5, 2010 by Columnist Jay Ambrose read: PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SELF-CONTRADICTIONS HURT HIM…AND ARE CATCHING UP WITH HIM CONCERNING HIS PROMISE OF A TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT.

Mr. Ambrose columns spew out venom towards President Barack Obama in his columns in the Valdosta Daily Times so repeatedly and it seems to have become a routine practice in the Times. However it seems strange that Mr. Ambrose never addresses or criticizes our local news paper and television stations that is perhaps the most closed in the country. Their whiteout of the news worthy information has contributed to keeping citizens ignorant to what goes on at public meetings in the State of Georgia.

There have been two recent Valdosta School Board Meetings concerning hot bed community issues that dealt with the education of our children. In addition there have also been meetings at the Lowndes County Board of Education wherein a retired school Assistant Principal addressed the board that was never published to the general public.

We can only ask why our local news papers and television stations would ignore information from public meetings in the State of Georgia as if these meetings never took place. These omissions remind me of the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 Mentality that read in Article 100, Section XI:


Links to ponder:,

Our local news media has revealed a practice and patter of keeping the general public deaf, dumb and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decision based on facts from public meetings in the State of Georgia. How sad?

Retired United States Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Valdosta Daily Times, Columnist Jay Ambrose, President Obama, and More

June 8, 2010

TO: Editors, Concerned Americans, Black Commentator, and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times column by Columnist Jay Ambrose (June 5, 2010) read; President Obama’s self-contradictions hurt him…, and are catching up with him concerning his promise of a transparent Administration. The communist like Black Female Columnists Star Parkers continues to spew his venom towards our president has become a routine practice in the Times.

Mr. Ambrose needs to write about our local news media whiteout machine that has contributed to keeping citizens ignorant to what goes on at public meetings in the State of Georgia by not informing the general public.

For example: Two recent Valdosta School Board Meetings concerning hot bed community issues about the education of our children were ignored at a high cost to the general public.

For over two decades this practice and pattern has kept citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts. Thereby contributing to a closed government mainly because local news papers and television stations has failed inform the general public here in South Georgia, and the times has come to stop this practice and pattern.

Therefore Columnist Ambrose we await your column on getting local news Media outlets to publish what goes on at public Meetings in the State of Georgia along with your condemnation of the Anti-Christ President. While understanding that our sons and daughters are now serving on foreign battlefields under this Executive Commander-In-chief that goes beyond political party affiliations or religious persuasion.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

SPECIAL NOTE: Today’s Article in the Valdosta Daily Times about last nights City School Board Meeting is a real example of a Metropolitan Metropolis News Paper, and one that all citizens can be proud of because it keeps citizens informed here in South Georgia what took place at last nights meeting.

Job well done, and thumbs up to the Valdosta Daily Times! GBR